Brian McCabe

Brian McCabe Profile Photo

Irish American Community Leader

Brian McCabe is one of a large and well-known Irish American family with a distinguished tradition of service in the political, legal, educational, building trades, and cultural life of New York City. Brian enjoyed a long and accomplished career in the NYPD Detective Bureau as a detective and commander and was widely recognized for his service in the Irish Peace Process. Post NYPD, Brian was a Vice President of Federal Shield, a security and consulting firm engaged in Developing World security consultations and institutional training, and also served as National Director for Healthcare Services with Apollo Security. Brian is the founder and President of the McGuinness-McDonald Division of the AOH, and was 2018 Gael of the Year for the Rockaway St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Brian is also a former Chairman of the American Irish Historical Society. He is currently a System Director with the Bon Secours Charity Health System and a consultant in investigative and security operations, creative and educational projects, and is a featured columnist with the Irish Echo newspaper.

Feb. 6, 2023

S4E18: Brian McCabe – Defending the Community, from NYPD to AIHS

He’s the quintessential New York Irish cop who rose up through the ranks from walking a beat to becoming a highly-ranked detective. He’s also a respected leader of New York’s Irish American community and a man at the center o...

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