Music Episodes

July 1, 2024

S6E10: Vivienne Sayers O'Callaghan – Irish Instagram Influencer Conqu…

Vibrant Vivienne Sayers O'Callaghan is an Irish Gen Z entrepreneur, Irish language and culture advocate, and NYC social media influencer rapidly rising to the “top of the heap” as Frank Sinatra croons in “New York, New York.”...

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Dec. 5, 2022

S4E14: Rosa Nutty: Authentic Lyricism in Song

In a way we’ve been teasing this episode since our first, as we’ve treated you to a wee taste of Rosa Nutty’s music at the opening of every Irish Stew episode. Now we go beyond the snippet and follow Rosa through the emotiona...

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Nov. 28, 2022

S4E13: Check In - Gregory Harrington - Bonus Episode

Gregory Harrington has stayed busy since our initial episode back in February 2022. Since that conversation, the accomplished violinist released a recording titled Gregory Harrington: Live From The Irish Repertory Join Mart...

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June 27, 2022

S4E3: Larry Kirwan – Rocking Renaissance Man from Black 47 to Broadway

We’re not sure what’s more impressive—that Larry Kirwan originated and co-wrote the Broadway hit Paradise Square, or that his early band with Pierce Turner was banned from the notorious New York punk rock club CBGB for being ...

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Feb. 28, 2022

S3E13: Cady Coleman: Irish American Astronaut & Musician

In this episode, we reach for the stars with Irish American astronaut Dr. Cady Coleman, a veteran of two Space Shuttle missions and 159 days in orbit on the International Space Station (ISS). Cady says she’s one-quarter Irish...

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Feb. 14, 2022

S3E12: Gregory Harrington – Musical Explorer, Violin Virtuoso

From Carnegie Hall to Lambeau Field, Gregory Harrington elevates the Global Irish Nation Conversation through his music. Born in Dublin, based in New York City, he is redefining the classical violin virtuoso for the 21st cent...

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Dec. 20, 2021

S3E8: MacDara Ó Conaola – Aran Islander Keeping Irish language & Mu…

On this serving of Irish Stew, we travel from Manhattan (pop. 1.6 M) to Inisheer (pop. 250) to explore the sights, sounds, haunting landscape, natural history, and vibrant culture of the Aran Islands with our affable tour gui...

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