Law Episodes

Feb. 6, 2023

S4E18: Brian McCabe – Defending the Community, from NYPD to AIHS

He’s the quintessential New York Irish cop who rose up through the ranks from walking a beat to becoming a highly-ranked detective. He’s also a respected leader of New York’s Irish American community and a man at the center o...

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June 21, 2021

S2E11: Fiona McEntee - American Immigration Attorney

A legal advocate for immigration in America, Irish-born, Chicago-based Fiona McEntee is a recognizable media-friendly face and voice in the U.S. immigration conversation through interviews by MSNBC, BBC, CNN, The New York Tim...

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Jan. 18, 2021

S1E9: Ruth Cannon BL - Irish Barrister & Four Courts History Blogger

Ruth Cannon BL is a Dublin based barrister specializing in property and probate law. Ruth acts as a guide in giving  an introduction to both the the esoterica and arcane that constitutes the Irish Legal profession and it's history on this episode.

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