March 4, 2024

The Women of Lies We Tell - Chapter and Verse

The Women of Lies We Tell - Chapter and Verse

The first episode of our new season features the voices of 4 different women. That was a departure for Irish Stew as we've never had a podcast episode with that number of guests before and had to split up our recording session to accomodate everyones' schedule. Unsurprisingly, the episode ran a bit longer, we're trying to keep our conversations to under an hour, realizing more can be a bit intimidating in terms of listener time commitment.

Sometimes though, the rules need to be broken, and so we did, to insure our guests were all able to tell something of their stories in a meaningful way,  Hopefully you feel this breech of our guidelines was appropriate and for those that do agree, thank you for taking the time to listen, both John and I realize that carving out more than an hour is a big committment especially when you consider the number of options in podcast world!

The Women of Lies We Tell


All that said, there are times when you might want to relisten to a segment or even share it with a time strapped friend. Never fear, we have a solution to ease the way. Under the hood, we have been breaking our episodes down into chapters which you can use to drop into a particular point in the episode. The chapters roughly coincide with the questions we ask.

So here's the list for our converation with Director - Lisa Mulcahy, Screenwriter - Elisabeth Gooch, Actor - Agnes O'Casey and Director of CIFF - Maedhbh Mc Cullagh all featured on the Lies We Tell episode

Go On - give one of em a click and make sure it works:

Chapter Clickable Link Time Stamp
1 Introduction 0:01
2 Maedhbh Mc Cullagh Introduces CIFF 3:52
3 Introducing Lisa Mulchay and Elisabeth Gooch 6:27
4 Lisa: Candlelight and Lies We Tell 6:33
5 Elisabeth: Recreating Gothic Victorian Ireland 9:22
6 Lisa: On Capturing Sheridan Le Fanu Tone 13:15
7 Setting Lies We Tell in Ireland 14:54
8 Law, Menace and Character Layers 19:27
9 Economic Oppression and Powerlessness 22:40
10 Reclaiming Power and the House 24:58
11 Elisabeth: A Subversive Take 28:14
12 Lisa: On Lead Actor: Agnes O'Casey 30:26
13 Introducing Agnes O'Casey 34:37
14 Playing Body Number 3 35:13
15 Choosing the O'Casey Name 37:36
16 Drama School in Ireland 41:16
17 Ridley Road and Dueling Identities 46:22
18 The Miracle Club 48:57
19 Preparing for Lies We Tell 52:12
20 Every Scene Intensity 55:35
21 Working with David Wilmot 59:53
22 Working with Candles 1:02:12
23 What's Next For Agnes 1:04:22
24 John and Martin Recap 1:07:29
25 Credits 1:08