Jan. 7, 2024

Fin Dwyer - Chapter and Verse

Fin Dwyer - Chapter and Verse

At Irish Stew, our podcast episodes are lengthy. We make no apology for that, we don't think we come to grips with a person's life in 15 minutes. In truth, it is ridiculous to believe that we can do so in an hour, which is roughly the duration of time we spend with each of our guests. Hopefully you agree with this approach and for those that do agree, thank you for taking the time to listen, both John and I realize that carving out an hour is a big committment especially when you consider the number of options in podcast world!

Fin Dwyer's Episode

All that said, there are times when you might want to relisten to a segment or even share it with a time strapped friend. Never fear, we have a solution to ease the way. Under the hood, we have been breaking our episodes down into chapters which you can use to drop into a particular point in the episode. The chapters roughly coincide with the questions we ask.

So here's the list for Fin Dwyer's episode - Go On - give one of em a click and make sure it works:


Chapter Clickable Link Time Stamp
1 Introduction 0:01
2 The Genesis of A Lethal Legacy 2:56
3 1798 and the Acts of Union 6:44
4 The 1821 Murder of the Shea Household in Tipperary 8:48
5 The Official Response to the Shea Murder 16:53
6 Researching a 200 Year Old Murder 21:20
7 A Failure to React to the Irish Crisis 24:31
8 The 1981 Homophobic Murder of Declan Flynn 27:32
9 AIDS and Divine Retribution 37:04
10 Upcoming Podcasts: The Troubles 41:18
11 Martin Recap 46:28
12 Credits 48:32